And Remember!

I never weigh however I do measure. So if you have a hard time with hopping on a scale do what I do. Besides scales to me are misleading. It's how my clothes fit and can I breath when I'm tying my shoes that count. Right!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hello everyone!
Thought I'd give ya'll an update today.  I am getting better and beginning to think about resuming excercise in the near future.  So stay tuned!  I'm not licked yet! Hugs, Monianne:)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Had a episode with my heart but getting better.

I just want everyone to know this had nothing to do with Joyce Vedrals workout systems.  I have hypothyroid which an autoimmune disease and if your RX is not right then it can reek hovac on your body.  I also wrote to Joyce to tell her about my temporary set back and so now I'm telling the viewers.  I do plan on resuming my workout schedule when all is ok to do so.  SO I haven't given up.  Thats all for now.  Will post soon. Monianne

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Getting better heads not so stuffy all the time.

Feeling better with my cold.  I am only stuffy every now and then.  So that's good.  I did workout cycle 1 of the complete fast forward DVD.
I am beginning to tell a difference internally.
This morning I could feel my abs contracting on their own. t felt amazing.  And I have noticed at night I am beginning to have leg cramps so I think I need to drink more water and incorporate potassium.  Bananas Please!!!
OK. Tomorrow I plan on doing Cycle 2 and the Gut, Love Handle, and Pooch buster as long as my body is doing ok.  Still am getting past this head cold.  
One thing is certain, I am so glad I worked out when I felt like I could during this cold because I would not be feeling the changes in my body right now than if I had not work out at all.  See ya'll tomorrow!  Monianne:)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Being sick and working out.

If your so sick your having fever I wouldn't recommend what I'm about to tell you.
I got a really bad head cold so on my last post I stated that I would workout if I felt like it.
Day before yesterday I laid down for a rest and got up feeling better so I decided to do cycle 3 in the DVD Fast Forward. Yesterday I felt like poo so I rested.  Today I did Cycles 1 and 2 but stopped at the last set of cycle 2 because I felt light headed.  It's always best to listen to your body. When it says ears are ringing and head feels funny then stop immediately.LOL!  OK now you know what I've been up to since my head cold came on...going to take a shower and lay down now. Talk soon. Monianne

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hello Everyone!

Yesterday which was 2-5-12 I started Cycles 1 and 2 and completed it.  I currently have a head cold and thought I was going to pass out.  So I think I am going to have to take it easy until this horrible stuffed up head passes...if I feel up to it I may walk on my treadmill.  I will post again when I am better.  Hopefully in about 3 days.  Until then have fun and be careful. Monianne

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My new routine! 1-26-12

I just completed Cycles 1 and 2 of Joyce's fast forward DVD and I'm shaking!  Which is a good thing!  Today I am moving my weights up to 5, 8, and 10lb.'s and I'm so excited.  I am going to do this routine for the next 6 weeks and then re-evaluate in order to shock my body into loosing more fat.  I believe by then I will have made great strides with my overall health.
Ok I'll tell ya'll more tomorrow and continue to share my new check in! Bye Monianne

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hello everybody! Well today I start my new Joyce Vedral 6 DVD Combined workout!

This 6 combined dvd workout includes her following dvds : the Cougar workout,The Complete Weight Training Series plus Workout 101 and the Customize your own,the speedy non-stop plus DVD extra Stomach zapping abs,The complete bone building body shaping workout plus the Joyce explains workout system,The complete non stop and Dynamic Tension,the Bottoms up gold plus,and the complete fast forward.  On the back of her videos she explains how to inter-change each DVD workout and on what day.  It's a great way to not get bored as far as I'm concerned, but I can tell you that every time I do any of her workouts I feel so good I want to do more. This is unusual for me because since my accident I have became a couch  Well were having a terrible storm here and white outs happen all the time so I am going to start my exercising for today.  Oh yea! I also wanted to mention that you should buy her books as well because they coincide with her DVD workouts and when you can't workout with her then you always have her books for a guide, plus she gives great advice and info. in them. OK Bye for now. Monianne